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Our Family Lawyers Team
Welcoming Our New Attorney: Me Nicole Zaki [VIDEO]

Welcoming Our New Attorney: Me Nicole Zaki [VIDEO]

Kalman Samuels is a Montreal Law Firm specializing in Family Law and International Family Law. Meet Daniel Romano, leading lawyer at Kalman Samuels, and Nicole Zaki, new lawyer at the firm.


Dan Romano: 

Hello everyone, my name is Dan Romano and I’m very pleased to be here right now to introduce to you our newest attorney.

Her name is Nicole Zaki!

Like most of our attorneys, she is trilingual. She is brilliant, hardworking and fun to be around. So, everyone, please welcome, Nicole!

Nicole Zaki: 

Hi everyone, my name is Nicole Zaki, I am the newest attorney at Kalman Samuels, and I am very pleased to be joining such a wonderful team, and I am very excited to be working with all of you.

Dan Romano: 

Thank you all and see you soon! Dan Romano for Kalman Samuels.

Located in Montreal, Kalman Samuels & Associates offers legal services in five languages in a wide range of practice areas such as family law, international family law, personal rights, immigration law, and much more. Contact us if you have any questions about any of our services or need our legal assistance.

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