Our Philosophy
At Kalman Samuels, Attorneys we believe in the concepts of justice, personal rights and fairness. We consider that these principles must be applied to individuals first and foremost. People who have been aggrieved deserve to have a professional fighting for them to best of their ability within a sound legal system.
In order to live by our philosophy, we seek out, hire and associate with attorneys who share these values. Our principle building block is our attorneys. We strive to match each client with the attorney best suited to handle their case in terms of experience level and cost. These attorneys are supported by a management system that meets a standard far above that required by the Bar Association.
We are proud to treat our colleagues fairly and honourably, thereby improving the chances of settling matters to the benefit of our clients. When unable to represent a client for any reason, we do our best to recommend them to the best suited professionals that we know of.
By doing our part, small or large, in improving the lives of our own clients, we play a vital role in our society.
The Honourable Harry Batshaw, JSC Quebec (in memoriam: 1902 – 1984)

Born in 1902, in the city of Dubrowna, Belarus, Harry Batshaw practiced as a lawyer for over 25 years. After emigrating to Canada in 1904, he obtained his law degree from McGill University Faculty of Law with honours in 1924 and did his postgraduate studies at the University of Grenoble and the Sorbonne. He was the first Jewish person to be appointed to a superior court in Canada and was an honorary Fellow of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Over the course of his career, he was appointed a King’s Counsel, named head of the public relations committee of the Zionist Organization of Canada and was the Quebec Co-Chairman of the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews.
The Honourable Harry Batshaw was the uncle and mentor of Kalman Samuels, Q.C., the founder of our firm, and was affectionately referred to by our senior most attorneys as “Uncle Harry”. His younger brother, Manuel G. Bathshaw, was the founder of the Batshaw Youth and Family Centres in across Quebec. In our practice, we deal often with these Family Centres, sometimes as allies, and sometimes as adversaries, all depending on the needs of our clients.
The Hon. Harry Batshaw, and his brother Manuel Batshaw had a profound effect upon the early development of our firm.