Dan Romano, Lawyer at Kalman Samuels, interview on MIKE FM – February 15, 2022 [AUDIO]
Listen to Dan Romano, Lawyer at Kalman Samuels interview on February 15, 2022 on Mike…
Tribute to the Associate Chief Justice of the Superior Court, the Honourable Eva Petras
It is with great sadness that we learned of the death of the Associate Chief…
加拿大是世界上排前列的热门移民国家之一。在加拿大,魁北克省仍然是许多有抱负的移民的首选。作为魁北克省的一家国际家庭法律师事务所,自1957年以来,Kalman Samuels律师事务所一直为客户提供各种移民服务以及不同层级的移民后辅助服务。我们所与世界各地的附属办事处合作,并与当地的其他高度专业化的移民律师保持密切联系,这使得我们可以就特定移民事项提供咨询和协助。当您抵达加拿大,我们所还可以为您提供更多的法律咨询,并能为您提供专业人士来协助您寻找住房、购买物业、开展业务、管理家庭与财产相关事务。 魁北克省和加拿大联邦政府在其家庭重聚项目中提供了一个非常受欢迎的家庭赞助移民程序。该项目要求一名居住在魁北克省的担保人为其外国家人的移民提供担保。与其他申请一样,申请人必须同时符合加拿大联邦和魁北克省的移民标准。根据申请的复杂程度,准备申请文件的费用在$3,500 到$5,000加元之间。如需追加随同申请的,申请费用将相应提高。
The Dialectics of ‘HATE’, Censorship, Liability for Inoculations, and the Truckers for Freedom [AUDIO]
Attorney Daniel Romano, KALMAN SAMUELS, Attorneys, Montreal’s Family Law Firm, joined Marie Griffith on Tuesday,…
The COVID-19 Vaccines, The Law, and Censorship [AUDIO]
Attorney Daniel Romano, KALMAN SAMUELS, Attorneys, Montreal’s Family Law Firm, was hosted on February first…
“Vaccines are a tool, not a silver bullet”: a discussion on Mike FM [AUDIO]
The Team at Kalman Samuels, Attorneys, wishes to share the following article as a useful…