Announcing The Launch of Our New Website
We are very excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website. After five months of hard work and dedication, we are delighted to officially announce the launch on March 31st, 2020. We wanted to make the new website faster, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly.
Our law firm, founded in 1957, became with time one of the pillars of the legal community of Quebec. Well known across Canada for its accomplishments in private international law and international family law, our firm also offers legal services in numerous other domains such as estates and successions, immigration, elder law, personal injury, labour law, and personal rights.
Despite our solid reputation as litigators, our firm believes firmly in the benefits of negotiation and alternative methods of conflict resolution so as to best respond to the needs of our clients. Since our work often overlaps onto the fields of business law and criminal law, we seek out and maintain relationships with experienced attorneys who can collaborate with us to obtain the best global results for our clients.
As a leader in our own field of private international law, the Law Firm of Kalman Samuels attracts a vast international clientele and is regularly sought out for important cases. Word-of-mouth and referrals have always been an important avenue for new clients to find out about us.
To facilitate this process, we have created a more accessible website that will facilitate navigation by clients and friends, providing easier access to our different fields of practice. This site will also permit a greater sharing of information on important and timely legal topics, and will also facilitate contact with us.
We hope that you will enjoy navigating this site and visit us regularly so as to stay on top of legal developments that may affect you and the world around you.
Please do not hesitate to share with us your first impressions via the Contact page. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy this new means of communicating with us, your dedicated law firm.
The Team at Kalman Samuels, Attorneys.