Down-sizing: What Seniors Can Do to Ease Transitional Housing
In our earlier article on down-sizing, we discussed this as a possible necessity for seniors. In this article, we continue this theme by looking at ways that ease this transition for all involved.
Although moving from a house to a condo is not easy, there are positives that can be derived from this life change. Often, it is an economical gain to move. Funds acquired by selling off estate can help senior citizens to travel, visit with family, take classes, and do the things they always dreamed of doing in their golden years.
A move is a good time to look again into your estate plan—or if you have not created one yet, then to take care of that while changing your life and your lifestyle. It is a good time to take stock and make lists of your belongings—what to keep, what to sell, and what leave to family members. If many of the larger pieces are valuable and not sought after by family, selling them will provide an additional financial cushion.
Having floor plans of the new living space, making note of where outlets are and the number of closets helps to plan the general layout. A lot of people have one or two pieces of furniture that really stand out and are a part of their personal history. By having a good floor plan, you will know in advance what available space can accommodate your favourite pieces. This can be turned into a fun project with family, perhaps even deciding to purchase new pieces to match the new living space. Not only is it a move, but it is an opportunity to redecorate and change your style after many years. Update colour schemes; add a good reading chair and a funky lamp… these are all things that can make the move a positive one.